
There is something amazing about pregnancy. The cravings, the indigestion, the lack of being able to breathe due to the increase in estrogen, the moodiness, the hot flashes. The way I am prone to protect my unborn child within my ever growing body. It is quite miraculous how the love spills over and God blesses in this way.

Pregnancy is spent going through phases. There's the early on nausea phase that yields to me not being able to eat things I once really, really enjoyed. And then there's the phase where I just look fluffy because the growing uterus has not grown into the ball shape that protrudes just yet. Then comes the big stuff...the hot flashes and the cold hearted mood swings. It's so funny how a shift in hormones can cause us to become so irrational...so quickly.

My sweet husband and I look back on my first pregnancy and laugh, at least now we are able to do that. He was so tender and amazed during the pregnancy. When I first found out I was expecting I took 10 at home tests to confirm. I just needed to make sure! Quickly there after the ravenous vomiting kicked in. I remember him sitting criss cross applesauce outside the bathroom door watching me. He would periodically ask if there was anything he could do to help. I finally had to just tell him that he couldn't do this part for me or with me. I had to go this part alone. And would have to for the next nine months.

I protected my belly from things that could bump into it and disrupt the tranquil environment inside. I was careful not to put on clothes that were too tight so that I wouldn't squeeze the growing little peanut. I stayed away from Bleu cheese because of the bacteria in the cheese and what it COULD do to my growing bundle of joy. I didn't take certain medications because it could pass over the placenta and adversely affect the baby. I didn't go sky diving or snow skiing- I mean seriously! I went to every doctors appointment and was early every time. We were so excited!

Delivery time came and I had my plan laid out. We had an induction because I wasn't quite progressing quickly enough. Sounded good to me! We arrived at the hospital only to be met by my brother in law and his bags. This is love right here. My brother in law brought his play station and his overnight bag. He was in for the long haul! At one point I was in the hospital bed and he and my husband had moved the couch in front of the TV and we're playing their golf game....in a hospital mask, hat, and shoe covers. I don't know if they were expecting an explosion or the impending birth.

Long story short, after twelve hours of contractions and no progression we ended up headed to the operating room. I was so careful. I did everything right. I had a plan. But, plans change.

Surgery starts and all I can do is look at my brave husbands face. He does not usually even converse about needles, shots, or blood without going pale and limp. Today was different. He was giving me a play by play of what was taking place. My favorite- " babe your intestines are laying on the table!" Epic. Love this man! Out of the chaos everything gets quiet and then we hear what we have waited for all this time....he cries. Our son cries. My husband goes to be with him and cut the cord and then brings him to me. Perfect. Flawless beauty all wrapped up in one tiny face.

Shortly after I had to go to sleep due to complications. The effects of the pregnancy lasted a while after delivery. God has been faithful since then and will continue to be. It didn't matter how careful I was. It didn't matter how prepared we were. It didn't even matter how well thought out the delivery was in our mind. My body had been the home for our growing child. My body had been protected, guarded, and conducive for the goal at hand.

I was impressed today in looking at our bodies as the home where the Holy Spirit resides. My body is the home for a part of the triune God-head. Hear those words carefully. My body is where the Holy Spirit has taken up residence. What an amazing thought! In knowing He lives there I have certain precautions I need to take. I need to be careful what I wear. I don't want to deny that He lives within me. I need to be careful what I eat and drink so as not to deny the residence God has taken up within me. I need to avoid certain medicines because my body is the temple, or address where the Holy Spirit lives. Many pregnant women do no like for their growing bellies to be touched. Some even wear clothing to conceal it's appreanace. After all, it is personal property.

We spend nine months consumed with the pregnancy and impending delivery. We anticipate what is coming next. For the most part pregnancy is predictable. What about the indwelling Holy Spirit within us? If you are a Christ follower you received an invitation from Christ to join His family
 You cannot become a part of God's family by your own choosing. He draws us in, He chooses us, He decides who and when. Do we anticipate the birth of a new spiritual trial or blessing? Do we await the delivery of a relationship with God that grows stronger by slaying ourselves and our will?

When we become expectant with the Holy Spirit within us, we are not to take thought for the things we need, but we are to take care of the growing body that the Holy Spirit lives in. We want a well nourished temple. We want a home for the Holy of Holies that is cleansed and ready to come back in to fellowship with the Lord anytime we fall into sin. In pregnancy the belly grows. In faith our bodies grow. In pregnancy we experience discomfort. In faith we experience discomfort as we grow, learn, change, and become more like our loving Father. As in pregnancy and delivery, our plans don't really matter. We can make them all day long, but in the end it is God's plans that will be carried out. With the Holy Spirit taking up residence within our temple we ought to consider what is and is not healthy for our temple as God's home.

A neat parallel today and God reminded me how guarded and careful we are during pregnancy and how careless we are with the Holy Spirit. Really we are. We yo-yo diet instead of  having self control. We drink here and there because our license says we can. We allow the growing Spirit within us to hear our hateful words toward God's children. We show all of our secrets like Victoria does and its all because there's no monthly doctors visit to check up on our growing bump. Church is not what it is designed for  anymore. We go but only to show off a new outfit,  boast our good works. We forgot that church, just like our bodies was designed for worship. We are the church. That changes every mindset we have ever been indoctrinated with. The growing fetus is not about you. The cultivating relationship with God is not about you. Just like in pregnancy, your spouse cannot walk this faith walk for you. This is between you and God.

What are you growing today? Is it a human? It is a relationship with God that requires you to take care of the place He has taken up residence? Is it the ministry God has given you that will require you to give up your beloved Bleu cheese because it could cause harm? Pregnancy is not about us. It's about giving the growing baby the best possible environment for a healthy life. The same rings true with our temple being the home for the Holy Spirit. It's not about us. It's about making the environment within us the best possible environment for the Spirit to grow us.

Many times you can't tell if a woman is pregnant. Many times you can't tell if a Christian is a Christ follower.  But....Once you hear the words "I'm expecting" everything changes. And it's a change you can look for!

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