Bear Your Cross as You Wait For The Crown

The cross was, and still is an instrument of torture. It will forever be viewed as a cruel, shameful reminder of what we, as the created, caused. 
There is no separation in the life of a Christ follower when it comes to living sacred and secular. Everything remains sacred because we choose to see everything through the lens God sees it through.

John 17:14-19
I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.

"Being 'not of this world' isn't the destination in these verses, rather the starting place." Jesus was referencing his disciples and the hatred the world showed them because the world didn't understand the One who sent them. Every one of us who has entered into a relationship with Christ ought to grasp the concept that we are "not of, but sent into" this world. We were chosen to be here, chosen with a job to do. Given a mission to complete. The mission was not with intent that we would neglect to associate with the people of this world.  Bear your cross as you wait for the crown.

To know Jesus is to love Him, associate with Him, identify with Him. We are sent into this world with the sole purpose of advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through disciple making. We died to ourselves and our sin when we came to Christ in repentance, and now- this new life we live gives us the ability to go into the world again, as different creatures, with the goal of rescuing others. We are back! Only this time, we are intent on loving and leading others to Jesus.

As a spiritual woman, I desire to carry my cross. I don't want someone else toting it for me. I do not need anyone to offer to lighten my load because God said for me to cast my cares on Him because He cares for me. My cross is just my size. It was fit for me. Trials and tribulations will come for the elect of God, and for those still wandering about. Obedience to Christ brings about extra adversity from others. My cross I choose to take up is not forced on me. I choose to take it up. I want to follow the only One who is worthy of being my guiding light. I am aware of the consequences of carrying such an instrument. I know how hated I am because I will not part with this cross. I have experienced hatred from people who are afraid of change and all of the uncertainty that it brings. I counted the cost before I chose to build on this foundation.

I have "attachment issues" you could say. I am attached to the cross of Christ. I still remember who I was before Christ took me in, wrapped me up, and gave me purpose. I have found that being submitted, committed, and being self-omitted puts me in the best possible place for spiritual growth. A Christian is spiritual when everything is viewed from God's viewpoint. When we put everything on a scale of importance and give it the same value that God gives it, we are then in pursuit of the spirit-filled life. We ought to be insistent upon seeing all things as God sees them.

Bear YOUR cross as you wait for THE Crown, King Jesus.

I have these sisters in Christ that I have grown quite fond of. Once a week we meet in the den at our house, and on Sundays we meet at the church. These ladies are devout. We don't gossip, there's never any juicy talk about who did what in this small town. We never get caught up chatting about the latest political happenings. What we do is absolutely inspiring to me. These ladies come to my house with their Bible bags in tow. Bibles, fuzzy socks, snacks, coffee creamer, highlighters, journals, Bible dictionaries, and lap blankets. They come as they are, and they come hungry! They are always ready to feast on the Word of God. We are women of His Word. We read and then there is always silence as these ladies marinade on what we all just read from God's viewpoint. We read more, and discuss how this applies to each of our lives. Bible study is a time for "slaying" as we call it. It is called dying of self, and it is painful to deny self moment by moment, day after day. But if we are really God's children (Christians) there is no other way. God's word says we are to delight in keeping His law. He says in the word that "if you continue in my word, then you really are my disciples." You either come to God by addition or submission. This means that some will only practice math with God.

Math: addition and subtraction. Some will add God to their life and subtract a thing or two that they think He wants them to do away with (on their own, mind you). If you are simply doing math with God then here's the sum of it all: your way + your way = the wrong way. The sum of that equation results in: Your way- God's way = hell. If you merely came to God by "addition", then hell will be your home. 

Submission. There is one way to God. There is one way to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the simplest answer ever and wrapped up in this answer is a moment by moment decision to follow His ways. Repent of your sins. Simply put- deny yourself and admit to God that you have tried to do it your way this whole time, and then acknowledge that He is in control. You have not ever been in control. (If you had been would bad things have happened in your life?) If you came to God by submission then you laid yourself out there bare for God to see you in the most humble form you have ever been in. When we submit, say uncle, throw in the towel, wave the white flag- we give up. We give in to something greater than ourselves, our status, our pride, and our own understanding. We place our faith (belief in something without seeing it) in God ,and in the plan He has for each of us.

These sisters, whom I have the privilege of studying God's word with, have been a blessing in my life. I have seen giants fall, mountains move, homes transformed, peace found, assurance of salvation discovered in a moment by moment pursuit, and a willingness to take God's word for what it is, and let God change them. It is beautiful. These women are strong, independent, and unafraid to face the toughest of life's storms- because they have already weathered them without Christ. As women who are being refined by God's fire, they are being tested to see how the Bible doctrine is digesting, and how they are taking on the identity of Christ moment by moment. Now, as they face trials and storms as women who are becoming Christ-minded, they are learning to lean in really close as they let God carry them. Moment by moment, that's the only way.

I will not name individuals, but they know who they are. These women are prayer warriors, not out in the open, but in their prayer closets, in workout rooms, on squares in our den, and everywhere in between. These women are not too prideful to send a text simply saying "remind me", as the trails come. In that moment iron sharpens iron and we remind eachother that God is in control and we will not fear.  I am thankful for them. All of them. I am inspired by them. God has great potential for them in His Kingdom, and I cannot wait to see what He uses them for. Disciples making disciples. That's the way to grow the Kingdom.

What about you? Have you been part of a building called "church", but never experienced the fullness of Christ? Have good deeds been the way that you were taught would get you to heaven? Have YOU been grinding and making your own way and called it a blessing even though you break God's commands to accomplish your means? Have you ever wondered what it feels like to wake up knowing your past will always haunt you, and no matter what you do you will never be able to escape who you have been? Are you angry at what you don't understand about God? Are you still trying to be in control even when you know God says His way is the only way? Have you despised and rejected your pastor because, if He's correct, then you would actually have to change your ways to really be someone who could be attached to the character of a "Christian" ? 


Just stop. It's ok to not have all of the answers. It's ok to feel embarrassed because all this time you thought you were doing what "Christians" do. The fix is easy. Repent. Repent of your sin, unbelief, and disobedience. God will have His way- one way or another. 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin, and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. 
He came to SEEK and to SAVE sinners, that were lost. That is the calling. That is the job description. SEEK and SAVE. That is why we die (to ourselves) so that others might find LIFE in Christ.

You can do this! You can die to yourself and come after the Father. He loves you, right where you are. He is coming back for us one day, and I believe the throne is creaking. When God stands in righteousness and sends King Jesus to come get us, it will then be too late.

My last appeal: What if you are wrong? Just say, the way you live is not the way God said to live. What then? Isn't it worth investigating God's character and His sovereignty to see if you are living a life that points to God? What if God's way really is the only right way? Is that a chance you are willing to take?

Bear your cross as you wait for the Crown, tell the world of the treasure you've found, Jesus is calling: O' come to the alter, the Father's arms are open wide. Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

The price has already been paid. Please come to the table. 

I challenge you to share this post with friends and family who do not live in freedom from sin. I challenge you to further the Kingdom with your bold witness. We all need a savior. I pray this post reaches the masses, the despised, the hopeless, the forgotten, the outcast, the church posers, the ones who are different, the addicts, the prostitutes, the far left agendas, the ones crippled by fear, and everyone else who needs to know that Jesus loves them, and He has a plan for them. 

Bow down before Him, for He is Lord of ALL, sing hallelujah, Christ has risen. 

Matthew 16:24   Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

Luke 14:27  Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

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