Bending Down
Please listen to the song above before you read. You owe it to yourself to take a few minutes. You won't regret it. Go ahead. You need to hear the lyrics to understand my point. As I sit here listening to the lyrics of this song, this anthem, this cry of praise, I am quieted in my spirit. There are some key phrases and words used in this song that absolutely still me. If you have been to my blog before, you are aware that music is my love language. I can place my hand on my chest, close my eyes, and just escape to that place. In that place, He meets me there. It is intimate and personal and it is real. I love real. Right now, the world is waiting, watching, and looking to media outlets for updates and guidance in regard to the obvious. The world is in a state of worry, panic, and quickly headed toward pandemonium. What about you? Are you fearful or confident in God's hand of control in what happens? For a few minutes, let's you and me talk about something else th...