Beautiful Warrior
To live as a Christ follower one must not simply have Christ in their life, rather Christ must be their life. This is a perfect illustration of my grandmother's mindset. Some years ago my grandmother exchanged her life for the life that God wanted for her. She understood that by exchanging her life this was not a second work of Grace but a new awareness and appreciation for the first work of God's grace. Her mind was well immersed in the fact that God does not appreciate what he does not first initiate. I think back over time and I never remember coming to visit Grandmas house and her Bible not being out and open. I don't remember any summer times that I spent with her and Papaw that I did not hear RB Thieme teaching Doctrine at least once a day. before I knew any different I thought he was family because his voice was always being heard. I don't remember a time when the phone didn't ring at least once during the day where grandma would offer truth to the person o...