Beautiful Warrior

To live as a Christ follower one must not simply have Christ in their life, rather Christ must be their life. This is a perfect illustration of my grandmother's mindset. Some years ago my grandmother exchanged her life for the life that God wanted for her. She understood that by exchanging her life this was not a second work of Grace but a new awareness and appreciation for the first work of God's grace. Her mind was well immersed in the fact that God does not appreciate what he does not first initiate. I think back over time and I never remember coming to visit Grandmas house and her Bible not being out and open. I don't remember any summer times that I spent with her and Papaw that I did not hear RB Thieme teaching Doctrine at least once a day. before I knew any different I thought he was family because his voice was always being heard. I don't remember a time when the phone didn't ring at least once during the day where grandma would offer truth to the person on the other end of the line. Oftentimes friends and family would just stop by her house. And it didn't matter if she was out in her flower bed or in her kitchen studying she was always ready to give an account for the hope that she had. One of my favorite things to do with Grandma was watch her in the kitchen. She would let me help her cook. I would watch her in her apron as she moved gracefully through the room. She had mastered the art of making homemade bread. I could hardly wait for a piece right out of the oven. It was a labor of love for her to make bread for us.

As I grew I would go to the store with her for groceries. It didn't take me long to figure out why she might have 5 different store ads as we embarked on what was certainly a journey.
She would get a few items at one store and then a few at the next. She would coupon and shop with her sale ads being very frugal and wise with her resources. Fast forward to the long summer days when I would stay with her and Papaw. He would mow and she would be in her flower beds....all day long. Every day. She tended to those flowers like we should tend to relationships. I realize now that she was talking with the Lord while she was working. But while I was with her she took every opportunity to teach me about God's essence. She would regularly ask me as we were in the kitchen if I could recite them. At the time those essence didn't quite make sense. But she was preparing me. She drew a triangle one day and proceeded to diagram the trinity, the God head three in one. She explained that they are all three the same yet each one very different.
Now as an adult on my own spiritual journey, all of her teaching has been applicable.
When it was time to marry I craved the spiritual leading of my husband. God answered grandmas prayer and mine. God led me to marry a man who is relentless in his pursuit of God. He and I are raising our family in Christ. My own children know God's essence and have been taught the same diagram of the trinity. As a pastor family we understand the importance of dying to self daily, picking up our cross, and following, just like grandma did.
I see so many qualities in her that are a perfect example of the woman spoken of in Proverbs 31. She was wise, kind, selfless, thoughtful, loving, apt to teach, ever working with her hands, and led by the Spirit.
Psalm 127:4-5 "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of ones youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." My grandma shaped each of us arrows at an early age. She knew there were certain curves she would have to pray out. She would have to sand off the rough spots with God's word and as iron sharpens iron she would sharpen our point with conversation and prayer. She knew each of us would need to have a sharp point for battle. Being the warrior that she was, she wanted each arrow in her quiver to hit its mark once out of her grasp.
Most of us now grown, are arrows in flight or preparing to take flight. Each arrow was groomed by my grandma. Each arrow has been equipped for the battlefield. Now is the time where we can assess our lives and ask the question- is it well with our soul? Are we arrows in flight aimed at piercing the heart of darkness? Are we going to hit our Target and leave yet another fingerprint from the influence of Patricia Logan.
In closing, I am so thankful that more than longing to be right, she longed to live right. 1 Corinthians 9:19-27 depicts a life of servanthood for Christ. The Apostle Paul says " to the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men so that I might by all means save some." This was the legacy she left behind. Her prayer was that as arrows we would hit our target and leave our mark for Christ.

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