
Showing posts from May 7, 2017

Arrow Mama

As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of the youth. Psalm 127:4 Children are from the Lord and they are an overflow of His blessings on us. Children are like arrows. And us mamas? We are warriors. I feel just like a warrior when my morning alarm goes off and I stumble to the coffee pot to begin the day, after I hit snooze a few times. Coffee is essential for the battle sisters. Make no mistake about it. After all, I drink enough of the blessed bean that I could be classified as a vegetarian. After the coffee is brewing it's on to our table to read and pray. I have to have time alone with God before my little arrows awaken. Jesus and java are just the beginning of the battle plan. As a warrior I have so many things to take care of in a day. So many things that only I can take care of in the day. God truly blessed mamas with responsibility in the home that enables our fingerprint to be on everything from the scent of our clean laundry to the brand of mayonn...

The Hardest Goodbye

The Hardest Goodbye Recently, I prepared to board a plane on a mission trip out of the country. As my husband and children stood by at the hotel I prepared to board a shuttle to the airport. Through my thick dark glasses I tried to hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes as we said goodbye. My little girl being very attached to her mama, had a very hard time letting go. And I thought to myself on that ride to the airport, that was the hardest goodbye. Fast forward, as I'm preparing to leave the mission field and return home, I caught myself looking through those same thick dark glasses once again and fighting back tears. This time it would be because I was leaving children, women, adults of a native culture and language who were learning about the love of Christ for the very first time in their lives. They were hungry for Him. They were hungry for truth! As I left those precious people and returned home to the United States, I pondered throughout the...

Dirty Laundry

I have this friend who is absolutely crazy about Jesus. I would say she loves the Lord so much that the overflow of her relationship with Christ touches every other relationship she has in her life. Iron sharpens iron, so a man his friend, or in our case sisters sharpening sisters. We have a lot in common. We both love God so much that we realize how important our roles are as helpmates for our husbands. We purpose in each of our lives to remain submitted to God and as a result we are committed to serving our husbands and our children. Our lives are crazy busy with homeschooling, private schooling, taxiing, ballgames, piano, practice, house work, being chefs, and bargain shopping. The list is much longer than this, but let's not boast about the responsibility placed on us for God's glory. All jokes aside, I consider it an honor to serve my family. I get to make our home a soft place to land. It's really a passion of mine. But it hasn't always been. There have been ...

Ecclesiastes 3

Ecclesiastes 3 I have read in the Bible in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 about there being a time and a season for everything. I also read that God is in control of those seasons. Seasons can be so comforting, confusing, and life changing. As summer turns to fall we get very excited in our house. Our roots run deep for Crimson Tide football. We never pass up an opportunity to say "Roll Tide" when we pass someone in public who is clad in our colors. This year fall was a welcome change because we began our journey homeschooling. Then there's the enjoyment we get from camping; it is pure bliss. The fact that I can wear my sweatshirt with flip flops while sitting by a popping campfire absolutely makes me smile so big! And as fall gives way to winter I am in my element. I love to be cold. I love that people clothe themselves properly in the cold, and I love that everything green fades. As spring approaches, we get ready for Atlanta Braves baseball. Disclaimer- we...