Dirty Laundry
I have this friend who is absolutely crazy about Jesus. I would say she loves the Lord so much that the overflow of her relationship with Christ touches every other relationship she has in her life. Iron sharpens iron, so a man his friend, or in our case sisters sharpening sisters.
We have a lot in common. We both love God so much that we realize how important our roles are as helpmates for our husbands. We purpose in each of our lives to remain submitted to God and as a result we are committed to serving our husbands and our children. Our lives are crazy busy with homeschooling, private schooling, taxiing, ballgames, piano, practice, house work, being chefs, and bargain shopping. The list is much longer than this, but let's not boast about the responsibility placed on us for God's glory. All jokes aside, I consider it an honor to serve my family. I get to make our home a soft place to land. It's really a passion of mine. But it hasn't always been. There have been seasons where it was just plain work.
One night I realized I had grown lazy and slack in my duties here at home. The laundry had become a mound that was towering up the wall. (My Gigi would be appalled that I am sharing this with you!) The laundry represented me sitting idle and putting family, self, and lack of communication with my Heavenly Father first instead of prioritizing along the way. I called my friend one night and asked if she had any laundry to be done. She laughed at me! She had plenty of laundry to wash, so I asked if she wanted to go to the laundromat that evening and get our dirty little secrets taken care of. She agreed but not without first threatening me not to tell...Anyone about her laundry. I totally requested the same of her. So I took a picture hoping to look back one day and laugh. We filled every washer and then every drier.
While we washed we talked about our love for God and our love for the job He has given us in loving our husbands and how to do so more completely. We seemed to sharpen each other as we washed and waited. Some things in all of our lives remain secret. Some things that are secrets will ultimately lead to our demise. My laundry undone has the potential to make me a very sour person, because I know it needs to be done. Because it's my job and my responsibility. As is our walk with Christ. Have you ever found it a chore to spend time talking with God? Have you ever found it work to read the Bible and do spiritual housekeeping? I've been there. I am happy to report after our evening laughing, laundering, and loading it all back into the car folded- I have not allowed my laundry to get out of hand again. But I might again one day. I may find myself in a valley of laundry. I know one thing for certain. God won't leave me there. He's always ready to deal with our dirty laundry. He's always ready to put the right person in front of us so that we might be sharpened.
God has been so present in my life lately. The trials keep coming. God keeps winning. I choose joy. I choose to get under His authority. I choose laundry! Every day sisters. It's a joy to be a keeper of the home. One day God may send someone to visit and I hope I'm ready to sit and visit instead of being sidetracked Spiritually and physically by my dirty laundry.