While We Wait

I'm not very courageous, not really. I do not like confrontation. It makes me feel a physical sickness in my whole being. Usually, when the matter I'm having to confront comes into view, I am left standing there dumbfounded with my mouth hanging wide open in amazement saying in my head, "who says that!" Later, I'm usually saying, "I should've said this or that."

I would prefer to just be still until the storm passes by. Boldness on the other hand, I try really hard to be that every day. I am learning that you cannot have boldness without courage riding shotgun. Much like salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, oil and vinegar. They complement each other.  The one without the other is still useful, but when combined, we get the full experience.

Not all people we minister to are open to see the scripture as God wrote it and intends for it to be understood. Not all who we share the love of God with will be open to accepting His way for their life. Sin is blinding. Satan blinds people to the truth of God because he knows there is something precious inside. We know that the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. 
He does this one bite at a time. Chomp. Chomp. 

The enemy never does it all in one devouring bite. It is a slow fade. We can look back and trace a line to where it all began. If the enemy can keep us blinded to the truth, then, he is on to something. In God's sovereignty, complete control of everything- does all that He pleases, we see that He is never caught off guard by anything. He decreed all plans before He ever created. His plans are firm. They are lasting. This is where our courage and boldness come into play.

Joshua 1:9 has been my anthem for the past months. I claim it, quote it, share it, live it; or so I thought. I was praying recently, and while I was talking to God, He was talking to me. Have you ever experienced that? It is amazing and captivating all at the same time. I do not remember what I was praying about at the time; all I remember is God teaching me something very valuable about His Words in scripture in regard to Joshua 1:9.

A command and a promise; not an option and a probability. We are talking about absolutes here. As a Christ follower, I am called to be bold AND courageous. Because God is with me, my life is to be lived for His glory. Where was my disconnect? I know these things. I know He is with me. I know that I am supposed to be bold and courageous for the cause of Christ. The day I was praying, God showed me that there is another component to this very precious verse.

Trials have to come. Opposition has to come. Contention between God's goodness and forces of evil have to come! They have to come so that we can have the opportunity to be bold and courageous. When God showed me this it was like a light bulb went off. It was definitely an "aha ha!" moment.
Without the trials, Joshua 1:9 is just a verse reminding and encouraging us that God is with us always. He is with us always; however, He is calling us into battle here. We are not supposed to go looking for contention, strife, or differences in interpretation of the scriptures. When the trails come, walk boldly knowing He is already there and with us; as we allow Him to be glorified in us- we are satisfied in Him.

What trials have you been claiming joyful scripture over? In the waiting have you been self-soothing by saving He is with me; it will all be ok? Here is the reality: it may not all be okay. You may never see that loved one come to walk in faith with Christ as their savior. You may never get to experience that mountain top of earthly healing. You may not get to be a part of THAT relationship again. You may not get to feel exuberant highs every day while the battle rages on. But know this- you can be joyful while you wait. You can lean in so close to the God who stays while you are bold and courageous for the cause of Christ. The furtherance of the Gospel is priority one.

Trials will come. God assures us of that in His word. My role and your role are to boldly proclaim Christ in how we live, act, speak, and in how we love. Love fiercely today. Give away whatever you have so that someone might feel the love of Christ through your life today. I'm not talking about your money, clothes, material possessions, but if He asks you to give those away courageously do that. I'm talking about giving away love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. These things are not yours to hold back in distributing anyway. They come from the Holy Spirit and are to be used for God's glory. 

Where are you at today? Are you finding yourself afraid to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word, or in lifestyle? Rest assured, the Holy Spirit is your guiding light. If we, then He. If we profess Christ, then He will use us to draw others to Him in the most unusual of places and ways.

Hostile words of the day: obey, submit, authority, conform.
Define these words and see where your heart might be in regard to God's governing 
power over your life while you wait.

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