The Wolves

A wolf is among the most ravenous creatures on earth. Abrupt, aggressive, and always out to disguise themselves among the innocent.
If I were a wolf I think I would acknowledge my ferocity, be more secure in who I was created to be, and not so cunning and conniving toward other species, or my own for that matter. A wolf can be beautiful at first glance. We find ourselves mystified by it's stealthily engaging demeanor, all the while never considering what lies inside the mouth and heart.
The Bible speaks of a wolf in sheep's clothing. But why the change of costume? Why the intentional character swap? Why not be who he is and let the cards fall where they may? Then we see Shepherd​s watching flocks of animals. They are protecting the innocent from the immediate blood shed that will occur if a wolf gets in among the fold. The shepherd's job is no easy task.
And there is no easy answer when a diligent watchmen falls prey to the cunning deceit of a wolf.  After did look like the others.
I'm not going where you think I am with this poignant illustration. I'm not secretly bashing some unnamed foe. That is not a good use of the platform I've been afforded. Rather, I'm still fascinated with mode of operation of the wolf. And it's not a matter of "if" the wolf comes, it's simply "when." Be mindful that wolves run in tight packs.
I've said before that Satan dresses up our deepest desires, temptations, wants, and even pleasures. It is not possible for him to test and tempt us unless it first sifts through God's hands though. Remember that. God loves us so much that He pursued us all the way to His son's death at Calvary. Satan is the author and perfecter of lies. He's skilled at deceit. He knows the mannerisms and moves that his prey makes. And trust me, he is not afraid to impersonate that thing of this world that matters most to you and I.

The way the wolf works best is by getting down the timing of travel and he always knows the weaknesses of who he is after. He seeks to bite at a time. One family at a time. One ministry at a  time. Aren't we like the wolf at times? Our mouths are a means of murder. Let's be clear here. Thou shalt not kill. We assume this means with a physical weapon. Our tongues murder more than mans carnal weapons any day of the week. Our words can bring life or death the scripture says.

We are like the wolf, in that, we sometimes mimic something we are not. If we are Christ followers then we are supposed to mimic Christ, correct? Let's put on his clothes, his pain, his sacrifice. His mannerisms, His demeanor, His methods for handling the most fragile of life's situations. Sadly, the price tag is too high for many of us. Self means so much more.
 A wolf in sheep's clothing...we are supposed to be the sheep watching for the schemes of the wolf (devil), and instead we fall prey to run with Satan's pack instead of God's fold. We tear each other down and judge on every turn.
We forget that we are called to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. Love mercy. When is the last time you forgave even when they weren't sorry? When is the last time the trial was so heavy that your next breath depended on God giving it to you? When was the last time you really experienced God's arms wrapped tightly around you keeping you still?  Have yout asked Him to protect you from what the carnal flesh wanted to do in a trial? When was the last time you simply said, you know what God- this is not about me. This has everything to do with someone choosing self over sacrifice and choosing to let self be exalted over your ways. When was the last time?

I would say stop reading and ponder this.

If being a Christ follower isn't about you and me, then that means every thought is to be made obedient to Christ. Correct?

That means we rejoice when God shows someone mercy. We don't sit on a hill like Jonah did and wait to see if people go back to their old ways because we know who they used to be. And we certainly don't wait for them to flail and fall right before our eyes because we don't want to get involved in ministry in that capacity. We are okay with ministering as long as we don't have to smell the stench of poverty and as long as it doesn't cost me anything. We will play the church game while never being a part of God's elect church.
We are the sheep. The innocent who can fall prey to the wolf when we wander outside of the great Shepherd's protection. Sometimes lessons learned are lessons that leave scars. Friends, scars are amazing. Scars prove that wounds heal. No band-aids here. Not looking to cover an old wound and let it fester. Nope. I choose healing. I choose to have God rip that band aid off and give me a scar in exchange for me holding on to the hurt.

It's not about me. It's not about you. It never was.

Stay with me. It's not about our hurt for the child that never was. It is not about the marriage that fell apart and left one jilted and angry. It's not about the status you maintain,or  the set of Jones's you sacrifice everything to keep up with. It's not about the private school your kids attend while you live the worldly life. It's not about how American your dream life really is. You know what, it's not even about the life you were born in to. Choices make all the difference here.
Do I choose to be the wolf, hiding God's light inside me while playing a game of keep away from the God of the universe, or do I choose to be the sheep ever standing strong amidst the schemes​ of the wolf in humble surrender while we trust the Shepherd to provide our way of escape?

These are some tough thoughts and even tougher choices you and I have to make if we choose move forward. Will we allow mere words to sharpen us or will we choose a staunch attitude of pride? None of us want to acknowledge that we have issues. All of us should, however, be willing to admit that were it not for Christ we would all be dead men walking...around in sheep's clothing.

When the wolves come, where will you stand?

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